Short descriptio
Special granular food for Purin brand chinchillas. Provides the chinchilla with a daily dose of vitamins and minerals. Ideal for babies, adults, pregnant and lactating females.The food is very good, relatively soft, comp... Read more...
Special granular food for Purin brand chinchillas. Provides the chinchilla with a daily dose of vitamins and minerals. Ideal for babies, adults, pregnant and lactating females.
The food is very good, relatively soft, completely balanced. Not for nothing, TM Purina Cargill is a world leader in the production of pet food. It contains many vitamins of groups A, B, E, D, minerals, proteins, fiber, amino acids, and more.
Purin's feed fully provides animals with everything necessary for rapid growth, the beauty of fur and good health. Chinchillas eat it with great pleasure.
This food is intended for chinchillas's farms and is sold in packages of 10 and 25 kg. However, with us you can buy food by weight.
Please note that the food does not have harmful stabilizers for long-term storage, therefore it is stored only 4 months. And an adult chinchilla eats an average of 1 kg per month. Correctly calculate the amount needed for your pets. Shelf life and storage conditions are very important to maintain the quality of the feed and the health of the chinchilla.
High quality grass meal, wheat, sunflower meal, salt, chalk, amino acids, soybean oil, vitamin-mineral premix for fur animals, adsorbent.