Bee ointment recipe
On the basis of the dead bees, which inevitably exists in any apiary, I prepare a universal ointment for "all diseases". In this article, you will find a simple recipe that has been passed down from generation to generation in beekeeping families.
Beesworm ointment recipe
To prepare 120 g of ointment, we need:
- Bee podmore - 10 g
- Olive oil 100 ml
- Propolis 10 g
- Beeswax - 25 g
The main active ingredient in the ointment is bee venom, which remains in dried bee bodies. It reduces inflammation and acts as a powerful pain reliever. It is known that many medicinal creams and ointments for radiculitis, osteochondrosis, arthritis are prepared on its basis. Also, in addition to poison, the chitinous coating of bees contains a large amount of trace elements and nutrients.
For the preparation of the ointment, it is better to use olive oil, which has its own beneficial properties and can be absorbed into human skin without a trace. But you can also use regular sunflower seeds without any problems.
Propolis is a unique product of the vital activity of bees, which has unique properties, on its basis, medicinal tinctures and ointments are made. And in this case, propolis increases the effectiveness of the ointment on the sea.
The wax is necessary to create the consistency required for the ointment. By varying the amount of wax, we can make the ointment either thinner or thicker.
Preparation of ointment from podmore
First you need to prepare a podmor. To do this, the dead bees need to be dried well, and then ground in a coffee grinder or other available methods - with a pestle in a mortar, a blender, etc. It is worth noting that the powder from beesworm has a very specific smell, which intensifies during the preparation of the extract, but almost disappears in the finished product.
The propolis also needs to be crushed. To do this, it must be strongly cooled or frozen in the refrigerator, and then grated on a fine grater.
Next, pour 10 g of powder from podmore and 10 g of propolis with 100 ml of olive oil and bring to a boil over low heat. Boil, stirring occasionally, for 15 minutes.
After that, the hood must be filtered through cheesecloth folded in 3-4 layers and the prepared wax is added - 25 g. While stirring, wait until the wax is completely dissolved. If the temperature is insufficient, reheat.
After that, pour into a storage jar and leave to set.
The recipe is designed for a minimum portion. For a larger quantity, all components must be proportionally increased.
The ointment can be used immediately after cooling.
Using ointment on the dead bees
In my daily life, I use an ointment to relieve depression and itching from bee stings. I treat scratches and minor burns on the skin. I rub the problem areas after the migrations of the apiary to relieve the symptoms of soreness or stretching.
In folk medicine, ointment is used to treat joints, eczema, psoriasis, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins. And this is not a complete list.
Here is such a simple recipe for this miracle ointment, available for preparation at home. All health!
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